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Ajax search pro là plugin công cụ tìm kiếm trực tiếp tốt nhất cho WordPress. Khả năng tùy biến cao, có nhiều tính năng và tùy chọn, mang lại kết quả tốt nhất có thể! Thay thế thanh tìm kiếm WordPress bằng một công cụ tìm kiếm đẹp hơn, hiệu quả hơn.
Bạn đang tìm kiếm một tìm kiếm WordPress tốt hơn? Kiểm tra các tính năng của plugin tìm kiếm này, bao gồm hộp kiểm, danh sách thả xuống, bộ lọc danh mục nút radio và bộ lọc trường tùy chỉnh (bài đăng meta).
Mã ngắn và tiện ích tương thích với bất kỳ trình tạo nào, chẳng hạn như: Elementor, Trình tạo trang WPBakery, Trình soạn thảo trực quan, Trình tạo trang Divi, Gutenberg và các trình tạo khác..
Ajax Search Pro có thể hoạt động như một bộ lọc tiện ích Sản phẩm và Bài đăng trực tiếp của Elementor. Xây dựng trang kết quả tùy chỉnh thông qua Elementor cũng được hỗ trợ.
Ajax Search Pro cho WordPress – Plugin lọc và tìm kiếm trực tiếp WordPress
Ajax Search Pro cho WordPress được thiết kế để nâng cao trải nghiệm tìm kiếm của người dùng lên mức tối đa. Nó cung cấp tính năng tìm kiếm ajax trực tiếp, giúp trải nghiệm tìm kiếm trên wordpress dễ dàng hơn.
Kết quả được trình bày bằng hình ảnh (nếu tìm thấy) nên trông hấp dẫn hơn và bớt phẳng hơn. Tìm kiếm hoạt động với các thiết bị di động, hãy để nó chạy trên Android hoặc iOS.
Tìm kiếm có thể ghi đè kết quả tìm kiếm mặc định của wordpress – vì vậy chức năng ajax được mở rộng – thay thế tìm kiếm chủ đề mặc định của bạn chỉ bằng một nút bấm.
Tìm kiếm có thể trả về các bài đăng, trang, bất kỳ loại bài đăng tùy chỉnh nào (như sản phẩm WooC Commerce, diễn đàn BBPress, chủ đề, phản hồi), danh mục, thuật ngữ phân loại tùy chỉnh (như danh mục sản phẩm, thẻ danh mục đầu tư), người dùng, nhóm BuddyPress và hoạt động BuddyPress dưới dạng kết quả.
Cũng có thể tìm kiếm các tệp đính kèm phương tiện, bao gồm cả nội dung của chúng – đối với các tài liệu PDF, CSV, TXT, RTF và Office, tệp Excel và Powerpoint.
Fixed an issue with WP Rocket integration (#150) – Special thanks to alfonso100 and joejoe04 from WP Rocket team for help
Fixed an issue where multiple search bars using isotopic results layout in a custom position would cause the second bar not to work correctly (#147)
Image lazy loading is now utilized from the browser loading=”lazy” attribute instead of using a custom script (#146)
Fixed an issue where some cache plugin minifiers would not correctly recognize the output and minify incorrectly (#143)
Greatly improved Media File Search and fixed an issue where the context and images would not show up on PDF results (#136)
The search query arguments is converted to a type safe object with array access for better type hinting for developers (#124)
Fixed an issue where the asp_option_checked CSS class was not added to the checked checkboxes for the post type filters (#130)
Build 5069
Fixed an issue with the secondary custom field ordering, when used in combination with the primary custom field ordering (issue 115)
CSS Class to parent label elements on Checkbox and Radio filters for better style targeting for developers (issue 108)
All fixes and issues for 4.26.9 can be found here.
The meta boxes compatibility option now affects the Classic Editor buttons – they are hidden for non-selected post types (issue 96)
Fixed an issue with the Advanced Title & Content fields HTML tag handler – now the tags should be correctly stripped
Fixed an issue with the taxonomy term checkboxes – where the checkboxes does not get unchecked when they are hidden – regarless if this is enforced.
All issues regarding 4.26.8 can be found here.
- Fixed an issue with the newest IOS Safari and the custom field labels (issue 114)
- Fixed an issue with the secondary custom field ordering, when used in combination with the primary custom field ordering (issue 115)
- Fixed an issue with the wp-cache directory mask and creation (issue 116)
- Updated the API endpoints and methods for the automatic update script (issue 118)
- WPML String Translation compatibility fixes (issue 103)
- Index table negative keywords now exclude even partial matches to the keyword (issue 107)
- Advanced Title and Content fields HTML tag improvement updated (issue 104)
- Fixed an issue with the secondary ordering interface (issue 105)
- Fixed an issue with the tag filters when using the radio button layout (issue 106)
- Fixed an issue with the random ordering parameter (issue 109)
- All fixes and issues for 4.26.9 can be found here.
- Ordering results by Post Modified date asc/desc is possible (issue 98)
- Fixed a potential compaitibility problem with Breakdance editor
- Fixed an issue with an option inconsistency
- Fixed an issue with the Advanced Title & Content fields HTML tag handler – now the tags should be correctly stripped
- Fixed an issue with the taxonomy term checkboxes – where the checkboxes does not get unchecked when they are hidden – regarless if this is enforced.
- All issues regarding 4.26.8 can be found here.
- Advanced Title and Content fields now detect Post Type objects and Post Type object arrays automatically. When objects are detected the title is fetched by the ID field.
- Improved the asset loader with a common interface to make sure to avoid known issues with certain ajax requests
- Fixed some missing translations
- Shortcode support in Advanced Title and Description fields
- Search integration into the native menu system – now it is possible to use the search as a native menu element
- Added a new option to to enable/disable parent/child checkboxes to be automatically checked or unchecked in taxonomy term filters
- Fixed an issue where the search block was not present in the Full Site Editor
- Added a new argument for the advanced title and content fields “separator”, which is used in joining the values, when the custom field value is an array
- Added an option for taxonomy term filters: Filtering by parent terms should also include the results from children?If a post from child category is not directly assigned to the parent category as well, this will force the filter to still apply if the parent category is selected.
- Added support for Advanced Custom Fields Repeater/Theme Builder fields index and search
- Fixed an issue with the PDF thumbnail generator, where the thumbnail was not generated when the default image was selected.
- PDF thumbnail generator now also checks for pre-generated thumbnails from WordPress, and use those if available and will also respect the selected image size
- Fixed a conflict with WooCommerce ajax cart feature
- Fixed an issue with the number range custom field filter – where redirecting to the results page with the empty filter range would end up with “0” values filled in with potential no results.
- Fixed an bug with index table taxonomy and custom field search
- Fixed a bug where the random ordering was not applied in some cases
Possibly final preparation/bugfix update before 4.27
- Added a new query argument to allow/disallow missing WPML translations when using the site language
- Post tag filters now allow 10 000 items in the filter box instead of the previous 400
- vtt (subtitle) files are now supported for the media search
- When using the WooCommerce {_sale_price} in advanced title or content, it will only appear if the item is on sale
- Fixed an issue with the post type and user meta field search logi
- Minor fixes is the internal file manager
- Fixed an issue in the CSS generator, where in a specific configuration some assets were not picked up
- Fixed an issue where the index table tokenizer looped and took too long to respond
- Fixed an issue with the archive page live filter
- Divi live pagination will work correctly for custom shop pages
- Fixed an issue where some elementor items were duplicated in the container
- Fixed a sorting issue with the media search
- Fixed an issue where the variation would not show up on the WooCommerce results page
- Fixed an accessibility issue with the Isotopic results navigation
- Fixed various PHP 8.3 deprecation warnings
- Added shortcode output minification, so when using the plugin shortcode in a Shortcode Block the line breaks added by WordPress autop() should be ommited
- Many other minor fixes
- The advanced content fields now will respect the maximum content length (each field is trimmed to the set length)
- Slightly improved the media indexing search
- Fixed a directory permission related error
- Fixed an issue with the ACF relationship filter parser to account for WPML languages
- Added a few security measures for back-end ajax handlers as well as some page forms (CVE 2023-1420 & wpscan report)
- Added a few new hooks for keyword suggestions
- Fixed an issue with the vertical results scrolling
- Fixed an issue with the title autocomplete
- Fixed an issue with the WooCommerce results page results count
Check the version 4.26 blog post for more details about the new features.
- Predictive search results suggestions
- Google Tag Manager (GTM, gtm.js) support for analytics integration
- More results feature now works with grouped results
- More efficient nag notices removal from the plugin back-end section
- Vertical and Horizontal scrollbars are now displayed as overlay for a nicer output
- Changed the results groups output – each group has a separate DIV container with distinctible CSS classes for easier customizations
- Added a warning message for the index table settings to not close the browser tab when the indexing is active
- Fixed an issue with the date filters
- Fixed an issue with some shortcodes for the Index Table
- Most cache related files are now moved from asp_upload to asp_cache folder
- PDF results text preview length is now correct
- asp_perse_filters() memory related issue fixes
- Changed the magnifier button inner elements from DIV to SPAN (validation error fix)
- The search bar now renders in Gutenberg editor on the back-end under certain conditions
- Updated the sidebar on the back-end
- Update the font family on the back-end to Roboto and made a few visbility changes
- Reverted to a more robust json data parsing method for the frontend
- Fixed an issue with an array index for the index table cron jobs
- Changed the asp_comact HTML attribute to data-asp-compact so it no longer triggers a HTML validation error
- Fixed a file cleanup method for the asset generator
- PDF results thumbnail generator with ImageMagick. Please check
this knowledge base
for configuration. - Support for ordering by ID for posts and user results
- Synonyms and Additional keywords now support multiple keyword phrases (separated by comma)
- Changed the get_result_field(..) theme function signature, now it allows adding the $post argument as second parameter
- Custom field filters – Now properly support ACF Relationship fields
- Fixed an issue with the index table search and The events calendar plugin
- Fixed an issue with the media file search, where the content field was not correctly fetched when the PDF contents were present
- Arabic diacritic recognition for index table engine has been improved
- Fixed an issue with the Elementor “load more results” feature
- Added an accessibility menu under the Advanced option to control some of the aria-labels, which were not possible to change until no
- Keyword highlighter – now works for the search results page too
- Keyword highlighter – now instead of using local storage, the asp_highlight query argument is used. This better determines where to use the highlighter, and can be used even globally.
- Delete button on the back-end fixed
- Added a missing aria-label to the search button
- Added an CSS unset for min and max height for the input fields
- Fixed an issue with the index table search, where in some cases the results vanished due to a query argument issue with WP_Query
- Fixed an issu with the stylesheet loading by forcing the correct protocol
- Index Table: better taxonomy term indexing, short taxonomy term names are indexed as whole words as well for more accurate matches
- Moved the aggregated asset location to the wp-content/cache/asp/ folder for better server compatibility
- Further script size and loading queue optimizations ~12% savings on default configuration
- Fixed an issue with the index table search and the generic filters
Custom field filters – “range inputs” filter type. Two numeric input fields for price etc.. (see documentation)
Filtering of Post Type Archive pages is not supported
Number format for advanced title/content fields, with arguments “type=number”, “decimals=0”, “decimal_separator=’.'”, “thousand_separator=’,’ (see documentation)
Hook for output font CSS: asp_fonts_css
Custom Field Filters – Added “is_post_id” argument to the {get_fields} feature, so that custom fields holding post IDs as values can now display the post title as the filter label. Useful with ex.: The Event Calendar Venues etc.. (see showcase)
“is_post_id” as adavnced title/field argument – custom fields holding post IDs as values can now display the post title as the filter label. Useful with ex.: The Event Calendar Venues etc.. (see documentation)
Auto-scroll: When clicking on a results and then the browser back button, then the plugin will automatically scroll back to the clicked result element
Added 3 new themes Rounded Dark Blue, Rounded Light Blue and Rounded Lilac
Removed the input[type=submit] from the search form and changed the magnifier element to a button so it is better targetable with the tab key.
Changed the checkbox “tick” elements from labels to divs for better SEO
Fixed an issue where the plugin would appear “abandoned” in WordFence, when the update information is not available
When using the Media Service for PDF indexing, the plugin now can display the description (from the PDF content) in the live results list. Keyword highlighter can will work with this text.
Fixed an issue with ACF multiselect value indexing
Fixed an issue with SG Optimizer – where the plugin CSS was not parsed by the CSS combine feature
Fixed an issue with the search box alignment
Corrected the search query order according to the actual results order set on the plugin back-end.
Fixed an issue with the “try this” keywords – they no longer trigger the live search, when the trigger is turned off
Fixed an issue where the results container was not initialized in time
OutputBuffer class – isolate OB from the CSS manager code, add hooks to allow access to ob output
Improved asset loader – now the plugin auto-detects where the Fonts/Styles/Scripts should be added. This will save a lot of overhead on pages where the plugin shortcode is not present.
Permanently removed the old legacy scripts – reducing the plugin size greatly
Further improved script loading method
Index Table – now indexes the post type singular and plural names (at title priority). Ex. the user types in “products” then items from the products post type are prioritized
Advanced title and content fields – Made them bigger for convenient editing
Removed some unused image assets
WCAG Improvements – Checkbox filters “label” tag changed to “DIV” instad, so the WCAG readers don’t get confused. Search form now also has a role=search added
Index Table engine – correction for previous release for some special character exclusions
Index Table engine – improved title matching mechanism
Custom field filters – {get_values} now accepts “order”, “exclude”, “post_type”, and “post_status” attributes – to only fetch existing values from given post types, and also allowing exceptions. Check the documentation for more information.
The get_asp_result_field(..) function now returns the same exact title, description and link fields as in the live results list in every case
Compact box layout – auto focus is now enabled when the search icon is clicked (can be turned off)
Elementor – load more button and infinite scroll now works on Elementor Posts widget filters
Browser back button – now the plugin tries to scroll back after displaying the results to the last clicked item.
Fixed the load more feature for the non-legacy scripts
Added a missing post tags logic
Fixed an issue with BuddyPress content search on multisite environments
Image parser – now handles array (of images) values from custom field sources
The close (X) button click now triggers the input focus
Statistics – now logging non-live queries correctly
Index Table – Improvements in lower/upper case conversions of multibyte characters
Index Table – Better junk removal in tokenization process
Input autocomlete – now correctly scrolls when the input field is scrolling (long text input)
Search override – now sets the post__in argument in case the results being further filtered by other plugins on the results page
Divi results page filter – now should properly trigger and work together with ajax search pro
Safari browsers – Fixed a “bleeding” corner issue on the input, where a single pixel from the border radius was visible over the parent element
Mobile Safari on IOS 15.1+ – Fixed an issue where a white “blob” is hovered over the input field
Attachment search settings – wrong items shown when regular/index table selected
Result container position issue fixed with the new scripts, when a % value was used in the results container width
Excel and Smalot PHP parser libraries updated to support PHP 8+
Improved Excel Table indexing
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